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Price $6/user/month $6/user/month $7.20/user/month $7/user/month $7/user/month $9.99/user/month $6/user/month $9.99/user/month $150/licence/year $60/licence (lifetime)
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Unlimited (tracker working 24/7)
Fixed (defined working hours)
Automatic (when computer is connected to a specified network)
Manual (start/stop)
Project based (track time only on projects)
Stealth mode
App and website usage
Real-time monitoring
Offline time tracking
Activity levels
Remote desktop control
Website/activity blocking
Screenshots on demand
Screen recording
Productivity trends
Websites and apps labeling
Category labeling
Productivity alerts
User behavior analytics
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Advanced file and web monitoring
Productivity reports
Team reports
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Mac desktop app
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Browser extension Chrome Chrome Chrome
Other Citrix, VMware Chrome OS
Support Phone, email, online Phone, email, online Phone, email, online Email, online Phone, email, online, in-person Online Phone, email, online Email, online, Viber, Whatsapp Phone, email, online, support ticket Phone, email, online
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Price(per month)Available upon requestFrom $2 per userAvailable upon requestFrom $6.40 per user+$16Free for up to 75 usersFrom $2.50 per userBasic plan:$30 for 5 users+$5 per additional userFrom $1.50 per employeeFrom $4 per user+$8From $2.20 per user$5.99 per user per month
Free trial30 days14 daysYes14 days14 days14 days30 days30 days,no credit card required
Ease of useDifficultEasyDifficultVery easyEasyEasyDifficultVery easyEasyEasyEasy
Timecard management
Shift Trading
Break time management
Real-time tracking
PTO Management
Client billing
GPS tracking
Clock out reminders
Manual time
Web app
Mobile app
Time clock device
Time clock kiosk
Facial recognition
Fingerprint scanning
Group punch-in
Visual reports
Email reports
Time rounding
Manager approvals
Add time for others
Android app
iOS app
Mac desktop app
Windows desktop app
Linux desktop app
SupportPhone and onlinePhone and onlinePhone,chat and onlinePhone and chatEmail and onlineChat and phonePhone,email,chat and onlinePhone and onlinePhone,email,chat and onlinePhone and onlineOnline chat and video support in English,French,and Spanish
Knowledge base
Video tutorials
Community forum

Today, in the face of an unpredictable economic climate, companies that prioritize and embrace innovation stand apart from the crowd, continuously outperforming their competitors and driving the global economy forward. 

Their innovative success doesn't merely come down to developing new products or stepping into new markets, but their adaptability to change, creativity, and readiness to cultivate new revenue streams.

According to the Boston Consulting Group's (BCG) 2023 report on the Most Innovative Companies, those featured in the top 50 experienced a 3.3% higher shareholder return annually than the MSCI World Index. Innovation is the lifeline of such organizations, enabling them to be agile and responsive to changing markets and consumer needs.

Emerging technologies, especially artificial intelligence, have presented opportunities and threats alike, compelling companies to innovate or become obsolete. In the BCG report, almost 80% of companies listed innovation among their top three objectives for 2023, a notable increase from last year's 75%. 

Additionally, around 42% of these companies plan to increase their spending on innovation this year, citing cost factors as the principal motivation. Comparatively, far fewer companies placed such an emphasis on innovation during the 2009 economic downturn.

In the immediate aftermath of the pandemic, BCG's report revealed that only around 20% of companies were "innovation-ready" based on these criteria. However, this figure is fast climbing, with 66% of companies now identifying innovation as their top priority, and nearly 90% planning to augment their investment in innovative ventures.

Our exploration into the world of innovation starts with lessons from the top 10 companies that have excelled in this arena. This article focuses on the first five innovative powerhouses - Apple, Tesla, Amazon, Alphabet, and Microsoft. Stay tuned for a deep dive into the remaining five companies in our subsequent article.

Lessons from 2023's Innovation Powerhouses

Let's delve into the top 10 most innovative companies of 2023, that have skillfully mastered these success factors, and what makes them shine:


Apple Inc. has built its success on the bedrock of continuous innovation, primarily driven by a deep commitment to user-centric designs and experiences. 

Underpinning this achievement is Apple's unwavering dedication to research and development (R&D), which has consistently resulted in pioneering technologies. Apple's 2022 fiscal year saw the company invest a record 26.25 billion U.S. dollars in R&D, an increase of about four billion from its 2021 total.

But what truly separates Apple from its competitors is how it intertwines this commitment to R&D with its unique corporate structure and culture of innovation. Since Steve Jobs' return in 1997, Apple has operated under a distinctive organizational model that defies conventional structures of similar-sized corporations. 

Apple's commitment to nurturing a culture of innovation is manifested in their eight rules of innovation, centered around a people-first approach and alignment of corporate culture with their innovation strategy. With over 4,500 patents held in the U.S. alone, the result of this commitment is palpable.

Moreover, Apple's culture of innovation extends beyond internal mechanisms. The company insists on partnering with entities that uphold their high standards in product quality and customer service, ensuring a consistent experience across all touchpoints.

Lesson: Commit to creating an internal and external environment that fosters creativity, encourages inter-departmental collaboration, and embraces change at every level. This commitment, combined with an unwavering focus on user experience and significant investment in R&D, can help solidify your company as a leader in technological innovation.


Tesla has significantly transformed the electric vehicle market by placing sustainability at the forefront of its mission. Its innovative approach has drawn both criticism and admiration, showcasing its boldness in challenging conventional industry norms. 

An example of this boldness is the Cybertruck, a product whose launch created significant controversy. Despite criticism, Tesla received 200,000 preorders for the Cybertruck within a month of its announcement, demonstrating the firm's ability to captivate and excite its audience.

Tesla's commitment to sustainability extends beyond its product line. In its 'Master Plan Part 3', Tesla identifies key areas where it believes it can significantly contribute to the global shift towards sustainability. 

For example, the company is taking measures to build its factories in a more sustainable manner by minimizing waste, water usage, and energy consumption. The firm has also installed significant solar capacity at its factories and has deployed AI control to increase energy efficiency. 

This multifaceted approach to sustainability reinforces Tesla's forward-thinking vision and positions it as a pioneer in the sustainable vehicle industry.

Lesson: Embrace big, audacious goals, and don't shy away from disrupting traditional markets with novel solutions.


Amazon has cultivated an environment where innovation is not confined to particular events or moments, but rather is ingrained in daily work. It's a culture where every employee is seen as a builder, actively seeking out problems and crafting solutions. This is facilitated by a unique practice, the "PRFAQ" - a plan detailing the vision of a new product, its benefits, and anticipated customer questions. 

The ethos of long-term thinking, customer obsession, and a passion for invention shapes the company's innovative strategy, demonstrating that the most fruitful business ideas, such as Amazon Prime and Amazon Web Services, were not overnight successes but the result of continuous improvement and adaptation.

Lesson: Empower employees to innovate at all levels to lead to revolutionary ideas and improvements. Instil a long-term mindset to ensure that ideas are nurtured and refined based on customer feedback, rather than being discarded prematurely due to initial setbacks. 


Alphabet, as a giant in the digital advertising arena, has a commendable track record of innovation, bolstered by its continuous investments in cutting-edge technologies such as Artificial Intelligence and machine learning. 

These tools have been instrumental in driving Alphabet's progress by improving user experience, enhancing ad targeting, and streamlining business processes. This commitment to technological advancement is critical to staying ahead in a rapidly evolving industry.

Moreover, Alphabet nurtures an internal culture that values creative freedom, fostering an environment where employees are encouraged to think outside the box and experiment with new ideas. This open-minded approach, coupled with a willingness to take calculated risks, allows Alphabet to stay agile and push the boundaries of what's possible. 

Lesson: Encourage a risk-taking culture and continue exploring how emerging technologies can be utilized for business growth.


Microsoft stands out for its relentless commitment to developing collaborative, efficient, and user-friendly software solutions. An integral part of this is the strategic focus on emergent technologies, notably cloud computing and AI. 

The company's cloud technology, for example, is instrumental in driving digital transformation across a variety of industries, allowing businesses to achieve efficiencies, harness data for enhanced customer experiences, and make collaboration effortless regardless of employees' locations. Microsoft’s services are designed not merely to digitize traditional business processes, but to co-innovate with their customers and partners, creating value-aligned digital strategies that enhance business outcomes.

Lesson: Innovation often lies at the intersection of collaboration and technology. Invest in solutions that increase efficiency and embrace emerging technologies.

After understanding how these companies have cultivated a culture of innovation, don't forget to check out Part 2 of this series, where we examine five more companies that have successfully leveraged innovation to create a competitive edge in their respective industries.

Amplifying Innovation with Insightful's Employee Monitoring and Analytics

In a world where data is a critical asset, Insightful sets itself apart as one of the top 10 remote software in advanced employee monitoring and attendance tracking software  . It empowers organizations to not just monitor but transform their workforce operations, facilitating an innovative approach to productivity.

Insightful's real-time pc monitoring software provides a granular view of your team's digital behavior, from application usage to online activities. Its intelligent activity tracking system distinguishes between active and idle periods, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of workforce efficiency. The Always Active feature ensures continuous productivity monitoring, even when team members are working remotely.

In addition to pc monitoring, Insightful’s Comprehensive Reports provide an in-depth analysis of your team's productivity, while custom Alerts and Notifications keep you apprised of any critical issues. Along with its robust Privacy and Security features, Insightful delivers peace of mind that your data is well-protected.

The customizable settings of Insightful’s remote work time tracker  allow the software to adapt to your organization's unique needs. With its Office vs Remote feature, you can glean location-based insights and craft an optimal work structure. Leveraging these advanced analytics, Insightful drives innovation in managing workforce productivity, shaping a future-ready business environment.

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Lessons from 2023's Most Innovative Companies Of 2023 (Part 1)

Written by
Kendra Gaffin
Published on
July 4, 2023

Today, in the face of an unpredictable economic climate, companies that prioritize and embrace innovation stand apart from the crowd, continuously outperforming their competitors and driving the global economy forward. 

Their innovative success doesn't merely come down to developing new products or stepping into new markets, but their adaptability to change, creativity, and readiness to cultivate new revenue streams.

According to the Boston Consulting Group's (BCG) 2023 report on the Most Innovative Companies, those featured in the top 50 experienced a 3.3% higher shareholder return annually than the MSCI World Index. Innovation is the lifeline of such organizations, enabling them to be agile and responsive to changing markets and consumer needs.

Emerging technologies, especially artificial intelligence, have presented opportunities and threats alike, compelling companies to innovate or become obsolete. In the BCG report, almost 80% of companies listed innovation among their top three objectives for 2023, a notable increase from last year's 75%. 

Additionally, around 42% of these companies plan to increase their spending on innovation this year, citing cost factors as the principal motivation. Comparatively, far fewer companies placed such an emphasis on innovation during the 2009 economic downturn.

In the immediate aftermath of the pandemic, BCG's report revealed that only around 20% of companies were "innovation-ready" based on these criteria. However, this figure is fast climbing, with 66% of companies now identifying innovation as their top priority, and nearly 90% planning to augment their investment in innovative ventures.

Our exploration into the world of innovation starts with lessons from the top 10 companies that have excelled in this arena. This article focuses on the first five innovative powerhouses - Apple, Tesla, Amazon, Alphabet, and Microsoft. Stay tuned for a deep dive into the remaining five companies in our subsequent article.

Lessons from 2023's Innovation Powerhouses

Let's delve into the top 10 most innovative companies of 2023, that have skillfully mastered these success factors, and what makes them shine:


Apple Inc. has built its success on the bedrock of continuous innovation, primarily driven by a deep commitment to user-centric designs and experiences. 

Underpinning this achievement is Apple's unwavering dedication to research and development (R&D), which has consistently resulted in pioneering technologies. Apple's 2022 fiscal year saw the company invest a record 26.25 billion U.S. dollars in R&D, an increase of about four billion from its 2021 total.

But what truly separates Apple from its competitors is how it intertwines this commitment to R&D with its unique corporate structure and culture of innovation. Since Steve Jobs' return in 1997, Apple has operated under a distinctive organizational model that defies conventional structures of similar-sized corporations. 

Apple's commitment to nurturing a culture of innovation is manifested in their eight rules of innovation, centered around a people-first approach and alignment of corporate culture with their innovation strategy. With over 4,500 patents held in the U.S. alone, the result of this commitment is palpable.

Moreover, Apple's culture of innovation extends beyond internal mechanisms. The company insists on partnering with entities that uphold their high standards in product quality and customer service, ensuring a consistent experience across all touchpoints.

Lesson: Commit to creating an internal and external environment that fosters creativity, encourages inter-departmental collaboration, and embraces change at every level. This commitment, combined with an unwavering focus on user experience and significant investment in R&D, can help solidify your company as a leader in technological innovation.


Tesla has significantly transformed the electric vehicle market by placing sustainability at the forefront of its mission. Its innovative approach has drawn both criticism and admiration, showcasing its boldness in challenging conventional industry norms. 

An example of this boldness is the Cybertruck, a product whose launch created significant controversy. Despite criticism, Tesla received 200,000 preorders for the Cybertruck within a month of its announcement, demonstrating the firm's ability to captivate and excite its audience.

Tesla's commitment to sustainability extends beyond its product line. In its 'Master Plan Part 3', Tesla identifies key areas where it believes it can significantly contribute to the global shift towards sustainability. 

For example, the company is taking measures to build its factories in a more sustainable manner by minimizing waste, water usage, and energy consumption. The firm has also installed significant solar capacity at its factories and has deployed AI control to increase energy efficiency. 

This multifaceted approach to sustainability reinforces Tesla's forward-thinking vision and positions it as a pioneer in the sustainable vehicle industry.

Lesson: Embrace big, audacious goals, and don't shy away from disrupting traditional markets with novel solutions.


Amazon has cultivated an environment where innovation is not confined to particular events or moments, but rather is ingrained in daily work. It's a culture where every employee is seen as a builder, actively seeking out problems and crafting solutions. This is facilitated by a unique practice, the "PRFAQ" - a plan detailing the vision of a new product, its benefits, and anticipated customer questions. 

The ethos of long-term thinking, customer obsession, and a passion for invention shapes the company's innovative strategy, demonstrating that the most fruitful business ideas, such as Amazon Prime and Amazon Web Services, were not overnight successes but the result of continuous improvement and adaptation.

Lesson: Empower employees to innovate at all levels to lead to revolutionary ideas and improvements. Instil a long-term mindset to ensure that ideas are nurtured and refined based on customer feedback, rather than being discarded prematurely due to initial setbacks. 


Alphabet, as a giant in the digital advertising arena, has a commendable track record of innovation, bolstered by its continuous investments in cutting-edge technologies such as Artificial Intelligence and machine learning. 

These tools have been instrumental in driving Alphabet's progress by improving user experience, enhancing ad targeting, and streamlining business processes. This commitment to technological advancement is critical to staying ahead in a rapidly evolving industry.

Moreover, Alphabet nurtures an internal culture that values creative freedom, fostering an environment where employees are encouraged to think outside the box and experiment with new ideas. This open-minded approach, coupled with a willingness to take calculated risks, allows Alphabet to stay agile and push the boundaries of what's possible. 

Lesson: Encourage a risk-taking culture and continue exploring how emerging technologies can be utilized for business growth.


Microsoft stands out for its relentless commitment to developing collaborative, efficient, and user-friendly software solutions. An integral part of this is the strategic focus on emergent technologies, notably cloud computing and AI. 

The company's cloud technology, for example, is instrumental in driving digital transformation across a variety of industries, allowing businesses to achieve efficiencies, harness data for enhanced customer experiences, and make collaboration effortless regardless of employees' locations. Microsoft’s services are designed not merely to digitize traditional business processes, but to co-innovate with their customers and partners, creating value-aligned digital strategies that enhance business outcomes.

Lesson: Innovation often lies at the intersection of collaboration and technology. Invest in solutions that increase efficiency and embrace emerging technologies.

After understanding how these companies have cultivated a culture of innovation, don't forget to check out Part 2 of this series, where we examine five more companies that have successfully leveraged innovation to create a competitive edge in their respective industries.

Amplifying Innovation with Insightful's Employee Monitoring and Analytics

In a world where data is a critical asset, Insightful sets itself apart as one of the top 10 remote software in advanced employee monitoring and attendance tracking software  . It empowers organizations to not just monitor but transform their workforce operations, facilitating an innovative approach to productivity.

Insightful's real-time pc monitoring software provides a granular view of your team's digital behavior, from application usage to online activities. Its intelligent activity tracking system distinguishes between active and idle periods, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of workforce efficiency. The Always Active feature ensures continuous productivity monitoring, even when team members are working remotely.

In addition to pc monitoring, Insightful’s Comprehensive Reports provide an in-depth analysis of your team's productivity, while custom Alerts and Notifications keep you apprised of any critical issues. Along with its robust Privacy and Security features, Insightful delivers peace of mind that your data is well-protected.

The customizable settings of Insightful’s remote work time tracker  allow the software to adapt to your organization's unique needs. With its Office vs Remote feature, you can glean location-based insights and craft an optimal work structure. Leveraging these advanced analytics, Insightful drives innovation in managing workforce productivity, shaping a future-ready business environment.