Going Remote: Blog Series Announcement
As a follow-up to our Ultimate Guide and State of Remote Companies research, we’re announcing a blog series on how to transition to a remote way of work!
After the success of our Ultimate Guide to Creating and Managing a Remote Workforce, as well as the State of Remote Companies research we’ve conducted, we’ve realized that remote work is a topic that can’t be covered enough.
There will always be some new tips, tricks, software, systems, etc. But we also realized that our guide was missing some details regarding this remote transition, so we’ve decided to create a blog series about it.
Within the next couple of weeks, we will be publishing posts related to transitioning into a remote company. In the first post we’ll focus on the factors you should consider before deciding to switch to a remote model. Next up, we’ll talk more about the transitional strategy and how you can create one, as well as which policies you need to set in place to make this work. Thirdly, there will be some talk about the tools you’ll need during the transition, and once you start working.
After you’ve prepared everything, you should first do a test run before ditching the office completely, and we’ll give you all the details on how to perform the test, what to measure and how to analyze the results.
In these articles, we’ll pay attention to some success stories from other teams who embraced the remote work.
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