Workpuls Teramind ActivTrak Hubstaff DeskTime Time Doctor RescueTime Kickidler Veriato Work Examiner
Price $6/user/month $6/user/month $7.20/user/month $7/user/month $7/user/month $9.99/user/month $6/user/month $9.99/user/month $150/licence/year $60/licence (lifetime)
Free trial 7 days 7 days No 14 days 14 days 14 days 30 days 7 days Yes 30 days
Ease of use Very easy Difficult Very easy Easy Easy Very easy Very easy Very easy Very difficult Easy
Unlimited (tracker working 24/7)
Fixed (defined working hours)
Automatic (when computer is connected to a specified network)
Manual (start/stop)
Project based (track time only on projects)
Stealth mode
App and website usage
Real-time monitoring
Offline time tracking
Activity levels
Remote desktop control
Website/activity blocking
Screenshots on demand
Screen recording
Productivity trends
Websites and apps labeling
Category labeling
Productivity alerts
User behavior analytics
Data loss prevention
Advanced file and web monitoring
Productivity reports
Team reports
Email reports
Access management
Mac desktop app
Windows desktop app
Linux desktop app
Mobile app iOS, Android iOS, Android iOS, Android iOS, Android iOS, Android Android
Browser extension Chrome Chrome Chrome
Other Citrix, VMware Chrome OS
Support Phone, email, online Phone, email, online Phone, email, online Email, online Phone, email, online, in-person Online Phone, email, online Email, online, Viber, Whatsapp Phone, email, online, support ticket Phone, email, online
Knowledge base
Video tutorials
Integrations comming soon
Deployment cloud, on-premise cloud, on-premise, AWS, Azure cloud cloud cloud cloud cloud on-premise cloud, on-premise on-premise
Kronos Humanity Timeclockplus Tsheets Wheniwork Deputy Replicon Jibble EbilityTimeTracker OnTheClock BeeBole
Price(per month)Available upon requestFrom $2 per userAvailable upon requestFrom $6.40 per user+$16Free for up to 75 usersFrom $2.50 per userBasic plan:$30 for 5 users+$5 per additional userFrom $1.50 per employeeFrom $4 per user+$8From $2.20 per user$5.99 per user per month
Free trial30 days14 daysYes14 days14 days14 days30 days30 days,no credit card required
Ease of useDifficultEasyDifficultVery easyEasyEasyDifficultVery easyEasyEasyEasy
Timecard management
Shift Trading
Break time management
Real-time tracking
PTO Management
Client billing
GPS tracking
Clock out reminders
Manual time
Web app
Mobile app
Time clock device
Time clock kiosk
Facial recognition
Fingerprint scanning
Group punch-in
Visual reports
Email reports
Time rounding
Manager approvals
Add time for others
Android app
iOS app
Mac desktop app
Windows desktop app
Linux desktop app
SupportPhone and onlinePhone and onlinePhone,chat and onlinePhone and chatEmail and onlineChat and phonePhone,email,chat and onlinePhone and onlinePhone,email,chat and onlinePhone and onlineOnline chat and video support in English,French,and Spanish
Knowledge base
Video tutorials
Community forum

Key Takeaways:

  • Autofocus underscores the importance of fluid prioritization, allowing tasks to be dynamically evaluated based on urgency, importance, and relevance.

  • Regular evaluation ensures tasks remain aligned with goals and priorities, increasing productivity by focusing efforts on critical activities.

  • Autofocus promotes simplicity in task management, eliminating the need for complex categorization and prioritization schemes.

  • By concentrating time and effort on critical activities, Autofocus boosts productivity, enabling individuals to accomplish more in less time, while leveraging software monitoring tools.

  • Pairing Autofocus with online employee time tracking software streamlines task management, fostering productivity while mitigating employees’ burnout.

Read time: 14 minutes

Finding a productivity method that works for you and your team can be quite a challenge. While some may struggle with change and others with implementing complex solutions, you’ll find that turning to simplicity can ease a lot of stress and make your team more open to change.

Managing tasks and priorities effectively is essential for success. With that in mind, finding a method that balances urgency and importance is your first step towards building a more cohesive team.

Developed by productivity expert Mark Forster, Autofocus provides a structured yet flexible framework for managing tasks efficiently. Rather than directing attention solely on completing tasks, Autofocus emphasizes strategic prioritization and continuous evaluation.

Understanding Autofocus

Autofocus embodies a distinct approach to task management and productivity optimization. Fundamentally, Autofocus prioritizes adaptability, efficiency, and focus. Let's pore over the principles that support this method:

Fluid Prioritization

Tasks are not assigned static priority levels but are instead evaluated dynamically based on their urgency, importance, and relevance at the given moment. This fluidity allows you to adapt to changing circumstances and priorities, ensuring that the most pressing tasks receive attention without being constrained by predetermined rankings.

Continuous Evaluation

Central to the Autofocus method is the concept of continuous evaluation. Rather than setting and forgetting tasks, you regularly reassess your task list to ensure alignment with your goals and priorities.

This ongoing evaluation process enables you to identify and address emerging priorities while eliminating tasks that are no longer relevant or necessary and maintaining focus on what truly matters.

Minimal Overhead

Autofocus advocates for simplicity and minimalism in task management. Unlike complex systems that require extensive planning, categorization, and tracking, Autofocus keeps the tasks recorded in a simple list format, without the need for elaborate categorization or prioritization schemes.This minimalist approach reduces the cognitive burden and frees you from the burden of excessive administrative tasks, allowing you to focus your energy on completing tasks rather than managing lists.

Implementing Autofocus in the Workplace

Now that we've explored the principles of Autofocus, let's discuss how you can effectively implement this method in your workplace. 

Set Up Your Autofocus System

Start by creating a designated space or document where you can record your tasks using the Autofocus method.

This could be a remote employee software, a physical notebook, a digital task management tool, or even a simple list on your computer or phone. The key is to have a centralized location where you can easily capture and organize your tasks.

Capture All Tasks

Make it a habit to capture all tasks and commitments as they arise throughout your day. Whether it's a new project, a meeting action item, or a personal errand, ensure that it gets added to your Autofocus list.

This ensures that nothing falls through the cracks and helps you maintain a comprehensive overview of your responsibilities.

Apply Autofocus Principles

Once you've captured your tasks, apply the principles of Autofocus to prioritize and manage them effectively.

Start by scanning your list and identifying the most pressing tasks. Focus on completing these tasks first before moving on to less critical items.

Practice Regular Reviews

Schedule regular review sessions to evaluate and update your Autofocus list. This could be done daily, weekly, or as needed based on your workflow and preferences.


During these review sessions, assess your progress, reprioritize tasks as necessary, and remove any tasks that are no longer relevant or achievable.

Benefits of Autofocus

Implementing the Autofocus method in the workplace offers numerous benefits for managers and business professionals. Let's explore some of the key advantages:

Increased Productivity

Autofocus helps individuals focus their time and energy on the most critical activities. This strategic approach to task management leads to increased productivity, allowing for the accomplishment of more in less time.

For instance, a project manager with a tight deadline for a client presentation can prioritize tasks related to the presentation preparation, such as content creation and rehearsal, ensuring meeting the deadline without getting distracted by less urgent tasks.

Enhanced Decision-making

Autofocus encourages continuous evaluation and reassessment of tasks, ensuring that efforts remain aligned with goals and priorities. This ongoing reflection enhances decision-making skills, enabling you to make informed choices about where to allocate resources and attention.

For example, a team leader faced with multiple project deadlines regularly reviews their task list and identifies which projects require immediate attention based on their impact on overall goals and deadlines. This helps make informed decisions about resource allocation and project prioritization.

Reduced Stress & Overwhelm

The structured yet flexible nature of Autofocus helps manage workloads more effectively, reducing feelings of stress and overwhelm. By breaking down tasks into manageable chunks and prioritizing them accordingly, Autofocus empowers you to tackle challenges with confidence and clarity.

For instance, a manager overseeing a team of employees prioritizes tasks for each team member based on their skills and availability, ensuring workloads are balanced and deadlines are met. This proactive approach reduces stress for both the manager and the team by avoiding last-minute rushes and preventing employees burnout.

Overcoming Challenges

While Autofocus offers numerous benefits for managing tasks and increasing productivity, it's essential to acknowledge that implementing this method may come with its own set of challenges.

Resistance to Change

Introducing a new task management system like Autofocus may meet resistance from members of your team accustomed to their existing workflows. Some may be hesitant to abandon familiar methods in favor of a new approach, fearing disruption or uncertainty.

Strategy: To overcome resistance to change, it's essential to provide education and training on the benefits of Autofocus. Highlight how this method can streamline task management, improve productivity, and reduce stress. Encourage open communication and address any concerns or misconceptions colleagues may have about adopting Autofocus.

Difficulty Prioritizing Tasks

One challenge individuals may face with Autofocus is determining the relative importance of tasks and deciding which ones to prioritize. Without clear criteria for prioritization, some may struggle to focus their efforts effectively.

Strategy: Provide guidelines and examples for prioritizing tasks based on urgency, importance, and relevance. Encourage team members to consider factors such as deadlines, impact on overall goals, and alignment with strategic objectives when determining task priority. Offer support and guidance to help them develop their prioritization skills and make informed decisions about task management.

Maintaining Consistency & Discipline

Some employees may struggle to maintain consistency in their task management practices over time, especially when faced with competing priorities and deadlines.

Strategy: Foster a culture of accountability and support to help members of your team stay on track with their Autofocus implementation. Encourage regular check-ins and progress updates to monitor adherence to the method and identify any challenges or areas for improvement. Celebrate successes and milestones to reinforce positive behavior and motivate continued engagement with Autofocus.

Implementing Autofocus with Insightful

Optimizing productivity with Autofocus is made easier with Insightful, an online employee time tracking software tailored to support your task management needs. Here's how Insightful can bolster your implementation of Autofocus:

  • Task Tracking & Management: Insightful provides intuitive remote employee time tracking and management features, allowing you to organize tasks effectively and prioritize your workload effortlessly.

  • Time Tracking & Analysis: Gain valuable insights into your productivity with Insightful's employee time tracker software, enabling you to identify inefficiencies and optimize your time management strategies.

  • Performance Insights & Feedback: Utilize Insightful's performance metrics to evaluate your team’s progress, set achievable goals, and refine your Autofocus implementation for greater efficiency.

Streamlining Task Management

In addition to Insightful's software monitoring tools, integrating with ClickUp, a task management tool, further enhances your productivity workflow. 

ClickUp monitors time on projects, tasks, and subtasks for productivity analysis, offering comprehensive insights into your task management and productivity. This seamless integration complements Autofocus by providing detailed task tracking and analysis capabilities, helping you achieve heightened productivity and focus in your work.

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Time Tracking

Transform Your Workflow: Implementing Autofocus with Ease

Written by
Dora Ordanić
Published on
February 14, 2024

Key Takeaways:

  • Autofocus underscores the importance of fluid prioritization, allowing tasks to be dynamically evaluated based on urgency, importance, and relevance.

  • Regular evaluation ensures tasks remain aligned with goals and priorities, increasing productivity by focusing efforts on critical activities.

  • Autofocus promotes simplicity in task management, eliminating the need for complex categorization and prioritization schemes.

  • By concentrating time and effort on critical activities, Autofocus boosts productivity, enabling individuals to accomplish more in less time, while leveraging software monitoring tools.

  • Pairing Autofocus with online employee time tracking software streamlines task management, fostering productivity while mitigating employees’ burnout.

Read time: 14 minutes

Finding a productivity method that works for you and your team can be quite a challenge. While some may struggle with change and others with implementing complex solutions, you’ll find that turning to simplicity can ease a lot of stress and make your team more open to change.

Managing tasks and priorities effectively is essential for success. With that in mind, finding a method that balances urgency and importance is your first step towards building a more cohesive team.

Developed by productivity expert Mark Forster, Autofocus provides a structured yet flexible framework for managing tasks efficiently. Rather than directing attention solely on completing tasks, Autofocus emphasizes strategic prioritization and continuous evaluation.

Understanding Autofocus

Autofocus embodies a distinct approach to task management and productivity optimization. Fundamentally, Autofocus prioritizes adaptability, efficiency, and focus. Let's pore over the principles that support this method:

Fluid Prioritization

Tasks are not assigned static priority levels but are instead evaluated dynamically based on their urgency, importance, and relevance at the given moment. This fluidity allows you to adapt to changing circumstances and priorities, ensuring that the most pressing tasks receive attention without being constrained by predetermined rankings.

Continuous Evaluation

Central to the Autofocus method is the concept of continuous evaluation. Rather than setting and forgetting tasks, you regularly reassess your task list to ensure alignment with your goals and priorities.

This ongoing evaluation process enables you to identify and address emerging priorities while eliminating tasks that are no longer relevant or necessary and maintaining focus on what truly matters.

Minimal Overhead

Autofocus advocates for simplicity and minimalism in task management. Unlike complex systems that require extensive planning, categorization, and tracking, Autofocus keeps the tasks recorded in a simple list format, without the need for elaborate categorization or prioritization schemes.This minimalist approach reduces the cognitive burden and frees you from the burden of excessive administrative tasks, allowing you to focus your energy on completing tasks rather than managing lists.

Implementing Autofocus in the Workplace

Now that we've explored the principles of Autofocus, let's discuss how you can effectively implement this method in your workplace. 

Set Up Your Autofocus System

Start by creating a designated space or document where you can record your tasks using the Autofocus method.

This could be a remote employee software, a physical notebook, a digital task management tool, or even a simple list on your computer or phone. The key is to have a centralized location where you can easily capture and organize your tasks.

Capture All Tasks

Make it a habit to capture all tasks and commitments as they arise throughout your day. Whether it's a new project, a meeting action item, or a personal errand, ensure that it gets added to your Autofocus list.

This ensures that nothing falls through the cracks and helps you maintain a comprehensive overview of your responsibilities.

Apply Autofocus Principles

Once you've captured your tasks, apply the principles of Autofocus to prioritize and manage them effectively.

Start by scanning your list and identifying the most pressing tasks. Focus on completing these tasks first before moving on to less critical items.

Practice Regular Reviews

Schedule regular review sessions to evaluate and update your Autofocus list. This could be done daily, weekly, or as needed based on your workflow and preferences.


During these review sessions, assess your progress, reprioritize tasks as necessary, and remove any tasks that are no longer relevant or achievable.

Benefits of Autofocus

Implementing the Autofocus method in the workplace offers numerous benefits for managers and business professionals. Let's explore some of the key advantages:

Increased Productivity

Autofocus helps individuals focus their time and energy on the most critical activities. This strategic approach to task management leads to increased productivity, allowing for the accomplishment of more in less time.

For instance, a project manager with a tight deadline for a client presentation can prioritize tasks related to the presentation preparation, such as content creation and rehearsal, ensuring meeting the deadline without getting distracted by less urgent tasks.

Enhanced Decision-making

Autofocus encourages continuous evaluation and reassessment of tasks, ensuring that efforts remain aligned with goals and priorities. This ongoing reflection enhances decision-making skills, enabling you to make informed choices about where to allocate resources and attention.

For example, a team leader faced with multiple project deadlines regularly reviews their task list and identifies which projects require immediate attention based on their impact on overall goals and deadlines. This helps make informed decisions about resource allocation and project prioritization.

Reduced Stress & Overwhelm

The structured yet flexible nature of Autofocus helps manage workloads more effectively, reducing feelings of stress and overwhelm. By breaking down tasks into manageable chunks and prioritizing them accordingly, Autofocus empowers you to tackle challenges with confidence and clarity.

For instance, a manager overseeing a team of employees prioritizes tasks for each team member based on their skills and availability, ensuring workloads are balanced and deadlines are met. This proactive approach reduces stress for both the manager and the team by avoiding last-minute rushes and preventing employees burnout.

Overcoming Challenges

While Autofocus offers numerous benefits for managing tasks and increasing productivity, it's essential to acknowledge that implementing this method may come with its own set of challenges.

Resistance to Change

Introducing a new task management system like Autofocus may meet resistance from members of your team accustomed to their existing workflows. Some may be hesitant to abandon familiar methods in favor of a new approach, fearing disruption or uncertainty.

Strategy: To overcome resistance to change, it's essential to provide education and training on the benefits of Autofocus. Highlight how this method can streamline task management, improve productivity, and reduce stress. Encourage open communication and address any concerns or misconceptions colleagues may have about adopting Autofocus.

Difficulty Prioritizing Tasks

One challenge individuals may face with Autofocus is determining the relative importance of tasks and deciding which ones to prioritize. Without clear criteria for prioritization, some may struggle to focus their efforts effectively.

Strategy: Provide guidelines and examples for prioritizing tasks based on urgency, importance, and relevance. Encourage team members to consider factors such as deadlines, impact on overall goals, and alignment with strategic objectives when determining task priority. Offer support and guidance to help them develop their prioritization skills and make informed decisions about task management.

Maintaining Consistency & Discipline

Some employees may struggle to maintain consistency in their task management practices over time, especially when faced with competing priorities and deadlines.

Strategy: Foster a culture of accountability and support to help members of your team stay on track with their Autofocus implementation. Encourage regular check-ins and progress updates to monitor adherence to the method and identify any challenges or areas for improvement. Celebrate successes and milestones to reinforce positive behavior and motivate continued engagement with Autofocus.

Implementing Autofocus with Insightful

Optimizing productivity with Autofocus is made easier with Insightful, an online employee time tracking software tailored to support your task management needs. Here's how Insightful can bolster your implementation of Autofocus:

  • Task Tracking & Management: Insightful provides intuitive remote employee time tracking and management features, allowing you to organize tasks effectively and prioritize your workload effortlessly.

  • Time Tracking & Analysis: Gain valuable insights into your productivity with Insightful's employee time tracker software, enabling you to identify inefficiencies and optimize your time management strategies.

  • Performance Insights & Feedback: Utilize Insightful's performance metrics to evaluate your team’s progress, set achievable goals, and refine your Autofocus implementation for greater efficiency.

Streamlining Task Management

In addition to Insightful's software monitoring tools, integrating with ClickUp, a task management tool, further enhances your productivity workflow. 

ClickUp monitors time on projects, tasks, and subtasks for productivity analysis, offering comprehensive insights into your task management and productivity. This seamless integration complements Autofocus by providing detailed task tracking and analysis capabilities, helping you achieve heightened productivity and focus in your work.